The next big adventure

18 Jan

Dear Monkey

I can’t believe that you start school on Monday, what a great big adventure you have that lies ahead of you. I know it’s ‘only’ play school that you start, but still… it’s massive… new routine, new friends, and let’s face it…. School now becomes a part of your life for many many years ahead. I remember my first day of junior school like it was just a few years ago – being so brave and excited right up until we got to the school and then realized that I did actually need my mommy to come in with me… I can’t believe it’ll be me taking you into your classroom on Monday now, with your cute little owl back pack, a lunch box filled with goodies and my heart filled with excitement, apprehension and dreams for what your future in learning holds.

So here’s the deal, and I know I write this from a very ‘new to school’ perspective.. but my thinking is that if I don’t write it down now, that the potential is there that we all get caught up in the systems, forgetting our ideals we have for you at the beginning of the journey… so…

My dream for you is this….

  • That your teachers and school environments always encourage you to be the special little person that you are
  • That us as parents and your teachers will continue to seek out your unique magic
  • That we remember that maths and science is not the be all and end all of a successful life…
  • That you learn and we allow you to be as creative as you want
  • To think outside the box
  • To know discipline
  • To let you learn that there is nothing wrong with colouring in outside the lines, no matter how old you are.
  • Try new things, be inquisitive
  • I hope we remember that failing is all part of learning and we would rather you try than be too scared not to try.
  • I hope that some of your painting lessons lets you enjoy not just painting pretty pictures but perhaps also enjoying getting more paint on you than the picture itself.
  • I want you to know that all we ask is that you do your best. I hope we remember this particularly when it’s us wishing that you excel at something rather than yourself.
  • I hope you continue to learn to treat everyone with respect, your teachers, your friends, people out there in the world, your friends parents and even those kids at school who bully.
  • I hope you never ever ever ever are the bully, and if you ever are I hope that we as your parents have the courage to see what is happening and to make the adjustments in our lives to ensure this stops.
  • I hope you don’t feel the need to be one of the cool kids – my wish is that you will be friends with kids across the playground, the quiet ones, the clever ones, the cool ones and the ones that just need someone to be their friend.
  • I hope you learn in your own time
  • I hope that as you start to learn your ABC’s that your love for reading just grows and grows
  • I hope your imagination grows and grows
  • I hope you play sport, lots of it, and lots of team games. I never did and I think it’s a great life skill that you learn that becomes a fundamental part of who you are and what you do.
  • I hope you learn that coming top of your class isn’t going to guarantee you success in life, and I hope your Dad and I teach you well about balance.

So my little monkey, learn lots, play lots, make heaps of friends and look after those friends. Remember to work hard, but also to play hard throughout your life. We love you and can’t wait for this next big adventure…

Ps – please don’t cry on Monday… Mommy is already getting a little emotional x




Breakfast party with Santa

5 Dec

I can speak from experience from growing up having a birthday in December, so close to Christmas – firstly, a lot of the time your gifts get doubled up as Christmas and Birthday presents, secondly it’s tough cause schools on holiday (well, here in South Africa) and everyone is away and thirdly, December is just all about Christmas… so – when I saw this adorable party on Skip to my Lou I had to share cause I think it’s such an amazing idea to tie in a birthday party with Christmas…

You can read the full article over here, but basically Santa came to breakfast for this little girls birthday party! Can you just imagine the excitement in the room that morning! Seeing this, I almost wish my little monkey was born in December… maybe next year I’ll invite Santa to my birthday party x

Dear Santa

3 Dec

As mentioned in my previous post, this Christmas is the first that my Monkey is going to start getting excited and caught up in the Christmas vibe. Christmas is such a special time of the year, but so often we get caught up in the rush and craziness of holidays, going away, shopping and general December craziness… I really want to try this year to avoid too much craziness and just enjoy the simple pleasures that December and Christmas bring.

Some of the basics I need to make sure I do…

Write a letter to Father Christmas… (not sure Layla will quite understand, but we have to start the tradition at some point!)

Love the colours of this letter from Amanda’s Parties to Go (plus a bunch of other very nice Christmas printables)

There’s this letter that I really like, I’m not a fan of going massively overboard on presents, which is why I like this letter that I saw over at Somewhat Simple

I just love this video that you can download and then Santa emails it through to you… perfect for my little monkey and can’t wait to show it to her in the morning…

You can check out 10 Ways to Make Christmas magical for Kids from here

And for when the kids are a bit older – imagine getting a letter back from Santa (download here)

Ho Ho Ho

30 Nov

Now that we’re officially in the Christmas month I’m starting to get excited and feel the Christmas spirit. This is the first year that our little monkey will  start to get excited about Christmas, and I already love how she points out Father Christmas when ever we see one. So – you’ve been warned… there might be a few Christmassy posts coming up in the next few weeks…

Image Source

Cute… from Polka Dots on Parade



You are my Sunshine (free printable)

19 Nov

Like probably a million moms around the world, this is the song that I sing to my little monkey when I’m waking her up from her afternoon nap, or when I changed her when she was a baby, or my first choice in the car when we’re choosing songs to sing… I just love the design of this print, and even better is that it’s available from to download for free from Designer Blogs. Guess what I’m printing tomorrow to put up in my monkey’s room.

Blogger Secret Santa

14 Nov

I’m super excited to be participating in this years Blogger’s Secret Santa, and truth be told I’m also kind of hoping it pushes me over the edge to start getting into the Christmas spirit cause at the moment I’m finding it difficult to believe that it’s already that time of year!

Anyway, true to my ‘style’ I’m leaving this post to the last minute, sorry the stilettomum

Here’s my wishlist

How stunning is this personal daily planner from Macaroon

I blogged about this a while ago, but only just recently found a local stockist (with far too much other cool stuff as well) of these Chew Beads

A funky wallet from Lou Harvey, or any one with vibrant colours like this

Washi Tape

And…. the Lime, Basil and Mandarin cologne from Jo Malone (the big one please)

Ok, so realistically for my Secret Santa here’s what I like

  • Anything with bright, primary colours (but then you should have worked that out already. Yellow is my favourite colour)
  • I love ‘handmade
  • Stationery – pens, pencils, notebooks, paper, anything for my office
  • I like hearts
  • I love Africa, but not in a leopard print kind of way
  • Photo frames
  • I love anything that’s cute and funky for my kiddies
  • I don’t like soaps, bubble bath stuff, or anything else like that… It reminds me of what I used to give my granny for Christmas

Over and out Santa


Day 7 – Shaving Cream Cupcake Painting

12 Nov

I just never learn 🙂 The photos in the blogs where I find these activites from always make the activites look so cool, calm and professional. Well, as professional as you’re going to get when it comes to toddlers… and then, drum roll my toddler… or maybe it’s the mom, either way, our activities never quite end up as I imagine. But you know what – isn’t that just one of the best lessons our little people teach us on a daily basis.

Anyway, we really did have heaps of fun with this activity this morning with just using some of Dad’s shaving cream, some food colouring and of course some paper….. which we didn’t use, but instead she painted ALL over herself. My monkey clearly doesn’t have a tactile problem and isn’t afraid of making a bit of a mess either! Nothing that a 10am bath can’t sort out though.

A great, quick and easy (and messy) activity that your toddlers will love!


In the spirit of Movember…



Toddler activity – Day 6: Spray painting

9 Nov

It’s been raining here for what feels like months, so when we woke up this morning and the sun was shining I knew it was going to be a fun day!

I have to admit that I’m a little nervous of hauling out the paints – it always seems to end up with more paint on both my monkey and I, than on the paper, and of course today was no exception!

Anyway, I saw this idea on Pinterest a while ago and have been wanting to give it a try – today was the day. Easy peasy to do, I just used some paint we normally use (Dala wet paint), chucked some in the spray bottle that I got from our local plastic shop, added water and let the fun begin. It took a few minutes for my monkey to get the spraying part right, but she soon had it and just loved spraying the paint on the paper (and later on the flowers, drive way, cat and wall!!!!!, and the morning ended with her chasing me around the garden.)

I know it’s probably not the most responsible parenting, and  at the time kind of felt I should be telling her off and not letting her chase me trying to cover me in paint, but we were both laughing so much that I let her get away with it! I’m hoping they don’t try this activity at school next year and I have to explain to the teacher why she’s spraying the kids and not the paper 🙂 Just for the record I did draw the line when she decided to add some colour to the wall and to our cat!


Public announcement from our cat to yours: Stay clear when toddler is armed with spray paint


Running after mom, armed and dangerous!



Have a fun filled weekend with hopefully heaps of special moments with your kiddies x

Recording baby’s first year (and my very first give away!)

8 Nov

My little guy is 12 weeks old today. 12 WEEKS, seriously, where has the time gone. I actually don’t want to think about it too much because it makes me a little sad that my tiny newborn is getting big, sometimes I wish I could just freeze time and keep him this little forever. (And then I remember what it’s like to kind of sleep through the night and I get happy again that time does move forward!).

Which brings me to today’s post… different ways to record your baby’s first year. I’ve only woken up now to do this, and I could kick myself that I’ve already lost 12 weeks. Anyway, I’ve set reminders on my phone for the 21st of every month going forward and I WILL capture a photo monthly.

Here are some cute ideas I found…

Love this photoshop tutorial from Young House Love

I also like the idea of placing baby in the same spot throughout the year to see how they are growing in comparison. Love this from Cheap Chic Nursery.

And this idea from Under the Sycamore

And so…. last but not least… I love the idea so much (even if I’m a little behind in my months), I decided to pull some creative director rank in my home and together with my darling graphic designer husband we came up with the following two designs of monthly (vinyl) stickers that you can use to capture those months that go by oh so quick.

Each sticker is 10cm in diameter and can be used a number of times to ensure you get the perfect photo each month. Stick them on their onesies, t-shirts, nappy bums etc, snap away with your camera and in a years time you’ll have some great photo evidence of how your little people have grown throughout the year. A great alternative to the standard gifts of bum cream and bath products at a baby shower  🙂

I’m selling them for R120 for a pack of 12, inclusive of postage. I am going to give a set away – all you need to do is ‘like’ my very very new Facebook page for the stickers. Any tweets will give you additional entries, and we’ll do the draw on Tuesday 13 Nov…

Pop over here if you are interested in buying some

Frozen Yoghurt Dots

31 Oct

Super keen to give this idea a try and thought I’d share it with you. Check out the original post over at the ‘Small Fry Blog‘ for the original post and the ‘recipe’. Enjoy, I’m sure my little monkey is going to!