Dear Santa

3 Dec

As mentioned in my previous post, this Christmas is the first that my Monkey is going to start getting excited and caught up in the Christmas vibe. Christmas is such a special time of the year, but so often we get caught up in the rush and craziness of holidays, going away, shopping and general December craziness… I really want to try this year to avoid too much craziness and just enjoy the simple pleasures that December and Christmas bring.

Some of the basics I need to make sure I do…

Write a letter to Father Christmas… (not sure Layla will quite understand, but we have to start the tradition at some point!)

Love the colours of this letter from Amanda’s Parties to Go (plus a bunch of other very nice Christmas printables)

There’s this letter that I really like, I’m not a fan of going massively overboard on presents, which is why I like this letter that I saw over at Somewhat Simple

I just love this video that you can download and then Santa emails it through to you… perfect for my little monkey and can’t wait to show it to her in the morning…

You can check out 10 Ways to Make Christmas magical for Kids from here

And for when the kids are a bit older – imagine getting a letter back from Santa (download here)

3 Responses to “Dear Santa”

  1. Karen du Toit (@karentoittoit) December 3, 2012 at 2:46 pm #

    Great Christmas ideas! I love that Santa video! Thanks!

  2. Mother December 4, 2012 at 11:05 pm #

    Love all the excitement building up to the big day! 🙂

  3. cupcakemummy December 5, 2012 at 1:48 pm #

    i do the santa vid for fysh every year as well

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