Girl Pirate Party

2 Apr

Last Saturday  we blogged about a mustache party, which I thought was a really cute and different idea for a boys party. Well, we couldn’t leave the girls out and so this week thought these ideas for a pirate party for girls, from one of my favourite blogs Spearmint Baby would be perfect.

I was such a tom boy growing up I remember being in tears when I was ‘threatened’ with a Barbie cake! Luckily they were just teasing and I remember my uber cool blue helicopter that year… I think I would have LOVED a pirate party when I was a kid. I wonder whether my little monkey is going to be a pirate or princess party girl.

One Response to “Girl Pirate Party”


  1. Pirate PAargty | | Colour GigglesColour Giggles - November 1, 2011

    […] only fair that we do a post for a boy pirate party, seeing as I’ve already done a post on a pirate party for girls! I reckon boys and girls would love these […]

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